LGBTBE® Certification
The Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce is proud to be an official affiliate of the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), the business voice of the LGBTQ community. Among the many benefits of joining our chamber locally is access to NGLCC’s exclusive certification for LGBT Business Enterprises® (LGBTBE®).
Does your business meet the following criteria?
- Majority (at least 51%) owned, operated, managed, and controlled by an LGBT person or persons who are either U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents
- Exercises independence from any non-LGBT business enterprise
- Has its principal place of business (headquarters) in the United States

LGBT Business Enterprise Certification
By becoming a certified LGBTBE, businesses are able to build relationships with America's leading corporations, generate prospective business and clients, and collectively team with each other for contracting opportunities. As corporate America becomes more inclusive and further diversifies its supply chain, certification offers the opportunity for LGBT-owned businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors.
Certified LGBTBEs are routinely sought after by NGLCC Corporate Partners who are looking to increase their spend with the LGBT business community through our internal, proprietary database. In turn, LGBTBEs have access to over 160 contacts with corporate representatives and supplier diversity professionals to begin building strategic relationships and making preparations to meet face-to-face with them at NGLCC matchmaking and networking events, which are held across the country throughout the year. Certified LGBTBEs are also eligible for scholarship programs, mentorship and leadership training, and other business development tools following one year.
- Must be majority (51%) owned, managed, operated and controlled by an LGBT individual(s) who are either US citizens or lawful permanent citizens
- Must have its principal place in the United States
- Must be formed as a legal entity in the United States
- Must exercise independence from any non-LGBT business enterprise
Application Process
- Complete the online application for LGBTBE Cerficiation.
- Submit the printed and signed online application with the required supporting documents in accordance with the NGLCC SDI Standards and Procedures.
- The NGLCC's SDI staff will review your application and contact you for more information. Once deemed complete, the NGLCC will contact the trained site visitor in your area.
- Host the NGLCC site visitor.
- Site visitor submits recommendations to the NGLCC.
- The National Certification Committee reviews and makes the final decision on your application.
- Once approved, the NGLCC will contact you and send you the certification.
Cost of Certification
The application for certification costs $400, but that fee is waived for members of the CLGBTCC. Find more information about the Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber and join today!
About the NGLCC
The NGLCC is the exclusive, third-party certification body that verifies that eligible businesses are majority-owned by LGBT individuals, and subsequently grants LGBT Business Enterprise® (LGBTBE®) designation to such businesses as part of its LGBT Supplier Diversity Initiative.
Supplier Diversity
These Corporate Partners are committed to creating a diverse supply chain that is inclusive of LGBT businesses and have targets for spend with diverse business enterprises.